
Token Allocations

  1. CHZ ECO (34,800,000):

    • Held in reserve by CHZ.{future Collections,Staking ,Clubs ,Games ,Collaborations ,etc}

    • No team allocation.

  2. Staking (45,000,000):

    • Deposited into four staking contracts.

  3. Liquidity (20,000,000):

    • Reserved for Vavalon LP (Liquidity Pool).

  4. Referral (200,000):

    • Claimable by users participating in the referral program.

  5. Total Supply (100,000,000):

    • The overall supply of the token.

Lock-up Periods

  1. LLP LP Lock (30 days):

    • Liquidity LaunchPad tokens are subject to a 30-day lock-up.

  2. Referral Lock (30 days):

    • Referral program tokens are subject to a 30-day lock-up.

  3. CHZ ECO Lock (Vesting):

    • All of CHZ ECO tokens is subject to vesting.

Vesting Details

  1. Vesting Amount (34,800,000):

    • CHZ ECO tokens undergoing vesting.

  2. Vesting Period (12 months):

    • The vesting period spans 12 months.

  3. Claims (Every 3 months):

    • CHZ ECO can claim vested tokens every 3 months.

    • 1st claim 8 million went into staking

Additional Notes

This organized structure provides a clear and concise overview of our token distribution plan and associated lock-up mechanisms.

Last updated